Eyewitness account of vision recovery after macular hole surgery

récupération vision après opération trou maculaire

The bubble position is recommended for 10 to 20 days after macular hole surgery!

Order your headrest for better vision recovery

Macular hole surgery can significantly improve vision in people with this condition. Jeanne, a patient who has undergone macular hole surgery and is now recovering from the operation, talks here about her experience and how her quality of vision has improved considerably. Our MassMe vitrectomy recovery equipment is a medical device made in France .

What was Jeanne’s background before the operation?

Jeanne, 65, suddenly developed a macular hole in her left eye overnight. Previously very active, she saw her quality of life deteriorate because of this pathology. After consulting various specialists, her ophthalmologist finally recommended an operation to treat the problem.

Symptoms and consequences of macular hole

Jeanne suffered from severe visual problems, including image distortion and reduced visual acuity. These symptoms made it difficult for her to carry out certain daily activities, such as reading or driving.

The different stages before surgery

Before deciding to undergo surgery, Jeanne had to follow a long and complex medical path. She first consulted her GP, then several ophthalmologists specializing in the treatment of macular holes. She also underwent numerous tests to assess the extent of the macular hole and the treatment options available.

The macular hole operation process

Jeanne finally decided to undergo surgery to treat her macular hole. The operation involved a vitrectomy, followed by intraocular gas to close the hole and restore full vision quickly.

Reception and care in the medical establishment

On the day of the operation, Jeanne was cared for by a competent medical team attentive to her needs. She was able to ask all the questions she wanted about the macular hole operation and her convalescence, and benefited from personalized support throughout her ordeal.

  1. Preparing for the operation: after carrying out a complete pre-operative check-up, including taking photographs of the back of the eye, the medical team set up a protocol adapted to Jeanne’s situation.
  2. Surgery: under local anaesthetic (as Jeanne did not prefer general anaesthesia), the operation lasted around an hour. The medical team made sure that Jeanne was as comfortable as possible during the operation, which was completely painless.
  3. The post-operative period: Jeanne had to use a special cushion during her recovery from the macular hole to keep her head in a horizontal, downward-facing position. This position must be maintained for several weeks to enable the injected gas to maintain pressure on the macula. Jeanne opted for a MassMe cushion, which has the advantage of following her all day long, whether she’s sitting or lying down.
macular hole surgery recovery equipment
Order your headrest for your convalescence after macular hole surgery

Results and Jeanne’s testimonial after macular hole surgery

After the operation, Jeanne noticed a significant improvement in the vision in her left eye after just a few weeks. In the early postoperative period, Jeanne’s vision was blurred, but after a few weeks the visual problems gradually disappeared, enabling her to regain a satisfactory quality of life. She was also able to resume certain activities that she had had to give up because of her pathology, such as reading and driving.

Jeanne’s final assessment and advice

After several months, Jeanne can confirm that the macular hole operation was a real success for her. Her vision is now almost normal, and she has no regrets about her decision.

She would like to share her experience with other people suffering from this pathology, to encourage them to consider this solution. She stresses, however, that it is important to be well informed and to be followed by competent professionals to obtain the best possible results. Finally, she recommends the use of the MassMe cushion, which has enabled her to become more comfortable with the bubble position she needs to maintain for better vision recovery after macular hole surgery.